
Search "user:Sheep"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Add alt text to bubble that lets you know if you opponent is there?#1

Hey guys, I play here all the time - I asked before about a feature that identifies if you opponent is there or not and I was told there was a bubble beside their names... I'm color blind so I can't s…

Lichess Feedback - New "Enhancement"#3

Neat... ty, never noticed that before.

Lichess Feedback - New "Enhancement"#1

It'd be neat if in the chat window, it showed when the player has left the game. It'd be good during the game so you know that you can stop thinking and just wait for the force resign... and after a g…

Lichess Feedback - New feature: Display moves while playing#5

Thanks for sharing those sites - that's exactly what I was looking for and have already found it very useful to work through certain openings I have difficulty with.

Lichess Feedback - New feature: Display moves while playing#3

And a Baaaaa back to you. I suppose the minimalist thing is quite attractive and it's easy enough to check through the analyze... you've got a point. Well then, my other suggestion would be to have ga…

Lichess Feedback - New feature: Display moves while playing#1

ie: little box beside board that shows the moves as you go... 1. e4 e5 2. Nc3, etc... Not sure if this had been suggested before, but I would find it helpful.
