
Search "user:Satscho"

42 forum posts
Lichess Beta Testers - Design of the new app#3

Yes, the new app is clean and functional in general. But a few things are very close to chesscom - for instance a lot of engine features. Engine lines on top of the analysis board, accuracy score behi…

FM Satscho
Lichess Beta Testers - Design of the new app#1

Hey everyone, I'm currently using the lichess beta testing app and so far, everything about playing works well. What seriously concerns me is the design of the app. In my opinion, it is way too close …

FM Satscho
Game analysis - Any tips and/or suggestions#18#3

There is nothing bad with this setup, maybe it is objectivly not the best but there were actually a few games with it. An interesting option has been seen in the game Belov - Jakovenko were White push…

FM Satscho
Game analysis - Tips+Suggestions+Comments+Analysis=Better me #10#4

yes absolutely!

FM Satscho
Game analysis - Can someone analyze this game?#10

hey AOOP09, I guess one of the reasons why you got in trouble was that you traded the dark squared bishop, after 13.Bg5 it would have been better to play 13...Qd7! to keep the bishop on g7 - in the ga…

FM Satscho
Game analysis - Tips+Suggestions+Comments+Analysis=Better me #10#2

Hi RiotandCarngeISVenom, as far as I can see you played a perfect game until move 14, you correctly sacrificed on g4 as white has problems on the e-file with his king in the center. After 14.Nc3 d4 15…

FM Satscho
Orgateam deutschsprachige Turniere - 2. Quarantäne Blitz und Bullet Arena#1

Rolläden runter, Atemschutzmaske an! Die zweite Quarantäne Blitz und Bullet Arena steht an! 20.03. um 20 Uhr! Blitz: Bullet:…

FM Satscho
Lichess Feedback - Stuttering and lagging peaces#3

chrome, newest version i tried a lot of other browsers, chrome is the best

FM Satscho
Lichess Feedback - Stuttering and lagging peaces#1

hey lichess forum, in the last time my peaces are lagging und stuttering, it's not heavy, but it's annoying. it sometimes feels like the peaces are "acting behind", so they have a bit delay, 'lag'. Ca…

FM Satscho
Lichess Feedback -

FM Satscho