
Can someone analyze this game?

Can you analyze it :

He destroyed me,but how?
He forked you at the end with the trick of the queen trade. Maybe think about that before you try.
The main issue with your position when not exchanging queens on move 16 is that your dark-squares on the kingside are fatally weak and exploitable after Nd5 and Ng5, also the Rf1 has strong pressure along the f-file
hey AOOP09,

I guess one of the reasons why you got in trouble was that you traded the dark squared bishop, after 13.Bg5 it would have been better to play 13...Qd7! to keep the bishop on g7 - in the game you saw that the trouble started after White invaded on your dark squares with Qh6 and so on. Just keep your structure on the kingside in mind, your pawns are placed on light scares so you absolutely need to control the dark squares around it. You could have somehow reduce white's power if you have exchanged the queens on move 15 with Qxg5, after which white can not easily exploid your weakened dark sqaures.



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