
Search "user:Rosalee"

13 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#833

The word 'allegation' is mention 26 times in that article. 'Evidence' is mentioned once (and in relation to US chess). That should tell anyone all they need to know about the level of substance therei…

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#35

Was an offence committed and a conviction given. If not, these are allegations and opinions and Lichess would do well to avoid speculation and transparent virtue signalling virtue and let the proper a…

Game analysis - I had less pieces than my opponent but still I won#5

Is no one going to say it? Ok I will. It's 'fewer pieces' not 'less pieces'. You're welcome.

General Chess Discussion - Would you say I cheated in this game#7

No I wouldn't say it. I'd be talking to myself because no one is here.

Off-Topic Discussion - Does lichess provide a friend when you click on "Play with a friend"#5

No need to click the "play with no friends" option

General Chess Discussion - Should chess be considered a compulsory subject in school?#18

Judging by the state of most really good players I'd say it should be avoided.

Off-Topic Discussion - What if you are able to ban 10 things in the world#48

"Also, you guys are pretty selfish and naive in banning things." So, to be clear, your position is that banning things is bad and, er, should be banned.

Off-Topic Discussion - What is wrong with this position?#15

Trouble is, as a puzzle it's void. Solutions need to be categorical. If the position is possible, unlikely as it is, there is no categorical proof of a lie.

Lichess Feedback - Chess over time controls#3

You seem like a very sensitive soul.

General Chess Discussion - People declining takebacks in casual games for mouse slips#8

I call a mouseslip a mistake. What do you call it?
