
Search "user:PushBack"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - puzzles bug android#6

Puzzles have not been working for 2 days now, the page simply doesn't load while the other features are perfectly available. (" is unreachable" only for this specific page). I'm on Android …

Lichess Feedback - study suggestion about arrows and evaluation#1

Hi, I wanted to share some opinions about the study feature use... I'm wondering why the engine evaluations for all the positions are not persistent and are recalculated each time you open the study. …

General Chess Discussion - Take back propostition & fair play, discussion with opponent#9

Playing on a computer can make you win a blitz if you have 2 seconds left but still can mate with 5-6 pre-moves (impossible on a real board). It also can make you lose if your mouse slips, just accept…
