
Search "user:Phoye"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Save games on LichessTV so I can review it later#1

Often I see a very interesting rapid or classical on the lichessTV and think I should review this game because I don't understand certain moves etc. However, before I can save the link, someone resign…

Game analysis - Who is better ?#9

is Qa5 bad?

General Chess Discussion - Road to 2000 rapid#7

Hi @LaserGuy @schachschachschach Thank you so much for the feedback. It is much appreciated. I will keep you posted as I continue to strive towards my goal. If you would like to play a game or two the…

General Chess Discussion - Road to 2000 rapid#1

I am trying to reach 2000 rapid or classical rating by the end of the year. Could someone please look over my games and help find my weaknesses. I am currently aware that my openings are a weakness th…
