
Search "user:PatserFasul"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Do you guys think En passant is kinda unfair?#19

It is not unfair at all. In my view, it would be unfair if the rule didn't exist. I once heard from someone and they argued that the King should be allowed to give check on the opposing King in an end…

General Chess Discussion - Board sizing problem has been fixed!#1

I had even tried adjusting the board geometry sizing and that wasn't helping at all, suddenly today it went back to normal, works in landscape mode on my Tab as it always had! Thanks, this is a great …

Lichess Feedback - The board size is too large#25

Yes this just happened to me today in landscape view on Samsung Tablet. In portrait view it is very large but at least it all fits on the screen, but this is very inconveniet to have to remove the tab…

General Chess Discussion - Bobby Fischer hated Chess because he said the people in Chess were very bad people, was he right?#1

Just curious to know if it is true, many in the history of chess wound up in insane asylums, drank themselves to death or committed suicide. What is the consensus today?

General Chess Discussion - Tired of players insulting#11

I'm convinced now, being obsessed with etiquette is a mental illness. No wonder why so many chess greats went insane. Instead of leaving games or letting time run out purposely, grow up, you have no i…

General Chess Discussion - Tired of players insulting#7

Sometimes when a player makes most annoying moves that really make no chess sense at all, and eventually get the queen trapped or something just as bad, I will tell them 'you should resign you have no…
