
Search "user:Olle_Eriksson"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - I can't use up/down arrow keys to navigate through sub variations in studies.#6

There is a Pull Request pending to restore this somewhat I think: I'm hoping we'll get the old behavior back.

Lichess Feedback - Using up/down arrows to switch between variations in analysis board.#3

Thanks for putting in a PR on that. Pressing Shift on WIndows machine a couple of times opens up the Sticky Keys dialog. It can probably be turned off but yeah, I would love to get the old behavior ba…

Community Blog Discussions - Why Losing At Chess Hurts So Much (And The Antidote)#37

Great article. But I've come to a different conclusion. When I play golf I enjoy the experience, being in the beautiful outdoors, I get to plan, visualize shots, make decisions, but also experience ex…

Lichess Feedback - My Studies: Highlighting of moves and squares ( arrows and circles) disappeared.#2

I saw the same thing, and I've created a bug issue on this:

Lichess Feedback - Is there a way to get the current line in a study as a PGN string?#1

Is there a way to get the current line in a study as a PGN string? Like, if you play 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6, is there a way from that position to get that string "1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6" or something like it to…
