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36 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Player Pairing#11

@StephenPS Thanks for the information.

Lichess Feedback - Player Pairing#9

Alright. Thanks.

Lichess Feedback - Player Pairing#7

I think the abort ban only occurs to the person who doesn't play so I think that I won't get the ban (hopefully).

Lichess Feedback - Player Pairing#5

Interesting. It has just happened quite a few times already and it was starting to get annoying.

Lichess Feedback - Player Pairing#3

@the_puzzles Lichess doesn't allow you to start a game when you're in another one so it can't be the players doing it accidentally.

Lichess Feedback - Player Pairing#1

Sometimes when I hop into a game the opponent is playing another game that also just started. I think the server is double pairing players at the same time and its not correnspondence. I can't attach …

Lichess Feedback - "Accusing other players of using computer assistance or otherwise cheating is not acceptable on Lic"#6

Fair. But I guess they were just that petty.

Lichess Feedback - "Accusing other players of using computer assistance or otherwise cheating is not acceptable on Lic"#4

I agree with you about cheaters being the worst. I understand you are very angry but there are Lichess guidelines for a reason. You just have to be the bigger person and dismiss their messages and jus…

Lichess Feedback - What's wrong with reaction?#16

You're right, I just tried and it didn't work.

Lichess Feedback - "Accusing other players of using computer assistance or otherwise cheating is not acceptable on Lic"#2

I don't get what your point is. Are you saying you called out the cheater through chat? And because of that you got a message from Lic
