
Search "user:Nkatsamakas"

12 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Eat Like A Champion – Nutrition In Chess#7

I have noticed that playing when hungry, degrades your performance, partly becauuse of the low glucose levels, and partly because hunger distracts your mind when calculating. It even makes you tend to…

Community Blog Discussions - Kasparov is too deep for Stockfish#13

@phobbs5 said in #11: > Whether the engine sees the move depends on the stockfish version. The server analysis did not see 27.h5; maybe someone has an outdated version of fishnet running on their serv…

Community Blog Discussions - Kasparov is too deep for Stockfish#12

@PieceDancer said in #9: > I analysed it here, Stockfish 15.1, 1 core, 256 MB of hash, 7 seconds per move; move 27.h5 Stockfish does not see it and gives draw. 8 seconds per move Stockfish sees it, an…

Community Blog Discussions - Kasparov is too deep for Stockfish#7

I did not expect clickbaiting in Lichess! Of course Stockfish "appreciates" all the moves played in the game just fine, and it is unethical to imply that Stockfish does not "see" 27.h5 - of course it …

General Chess Discussion - Chess engines have poisoned online chess#60

@Artem-Kozirev said in #58: > I beg you with all my might and on my knees to take me to Court as you say, lock me in please. What is taking you so long? > Typical attack from lichess to those who do n…

General Chess Discussion - Chess engines have poisoned online chess#57

@Artem-Kozirev said in #54: > My reasoning is not flawed as you try to put it, in fact it is quite the opposite. Lichess is in a unique position to clarify matters in favor of transparency and to avoi…

General Chess Discussion - Chess engines have poisoned online chess#55

@emaN-drawkcaB said in #53: > Just today I got a 99% accuracy game in a 3+0 (5 centipawn loss) . > In matches vs 2300+ usually every other game is a 90%+ accuracy one. If…

General Chess Discussion - Chess engines have poisoned online chess#51

@Artem-Kozirev said in #50: > Why are you so offended when there is a request of transparency? is it so bad to be transparent? At the moment the necessary transparency is missing and you support that,…

General Chess Discussion - Chess engines have poisoned online chess#49

@Artem-Kozirev said in #48: > The burden of the proof is by Lichess because they have the real figures of e.g. the percentage of cheating. Thse figures have to be certified to be true by 3rd party com…

General Chess Discussion - Chess engines have poisoned online chess#44

@Artem-Kozirev said in #33: > I can give you the evidence tha backs up your feeling that a lot of cheating is going on. > > 1) There is not enough computational power to check all games (neither in re…
