
Search "user:NewtOrange"

60 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess is bad for health, it makes us spend lots of time sitting, being inactive and sedentary...#7

@Gravija said in #5: > The solutions: > Play classical time control > When it's your opponent's turn, you can do exercise, example: jumping jack, push up, etc. Take it a step further and let your bot …

Off-Topic Discussion - Pastafarian lore#21

@Oportunist said in #3: > İf i make fun of women,my messages gets deleted and i get a warning,but people are free to make fun of God and religion here I think humans should always be respected, if the…

Off-Topic Discussion - Super hard integration (integral calculus ) question which I can't solve . Can someone help me ?#7

Thanks a lot for this integral, I wasted like an hour on it yesterday, when I should have done some necessary chores instead. At some point I kept wondering WHY I am trying solve it. The solution itse…

Off-Topic Discussion - Which orange came first: the color or the fruit?#9

According to orangic theory, everything that is perceived as orange consists of an orange fluid called orangic. Orangic moves from orange objects to non-orange objects and thereby transfers the colour…

Off-Topic Discussion - Human or not - Imitation game#1

"You're in a room with a sleek, humming computer – the height of modern technology at the time. Human mission? Engage in a conversation through this futuristic machine, but here's the twist: on the ot…

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Off-Topic Discussion - Creating a story together#1

by adding a few lines you help to continue the story, just write what comes to your mind, nothing will be wrong :) There is darkness all around me, I can just barley make out some faces, but I can cle…

Off-Topic Discussion - difference is power#7

@TotalNoob69 said in #6: > Eric Rosen routinely beats the players in the chat room who vote on moves. Nice example! I agree, just like "knowledge" can reliably increase the average score to above 50%,…
