
Search "user:MyPunIsTwoWeek"

60 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is lichess Working on a Puzzle Rush?#2

You can check github and see if that is a thing:

General Chess Discussion - Lichess v2 is here#301

I liked the old version better but I will keep playing. I mean, it's ugly but chess is chess and this is the best place I know. I appreciate the efforts and I understand there was a need for code to b…

General Chess Discussion - i don't understand this puzzle !!#10

I agree this is a stupid puzzle and they should remove them. The voting system does not work I always see bad puzzles with zero points solved a thousand times. They just don't care about puzzles on th…

General Chess Discussion - Ej Táctico 69921 Mal !!#2

Y cual es la gracia de caballo f5?

General Chess Discussion - Cautious Carlsen Sends World Championship Match to Tiebreakers#27

This blog post is so biased. Excluding the fact that the person who wrote it is from the USA and clearly supports Caruana, it's evident that he disliked Carlsen even before this draw. "Carlsen lost a …

Lichess Feedback - [Feature] Contribute to automated analysis for stored games#5

Ah cool. Thank you.

Lichess Feedback - [Feature] Contribute to automated analysis for stored games#3

Okay, thank you. Is there an option to not use all of my CPU at once? So I can use the computer and have that enabled at the same time?

Lichess Feedback - [Feature] Contribute to automated analysis for stored games#1

Hello. I was thinking since lichess spends lots of money on servers that help us get an automatic analysis of our games, maybe we could have an option in our profiles that says "Contribute with analys…

General Chess Discussion - 7-piece Syzygy tablebases are complete#2

Amazing job! Congratulations to the developer.

Game analysis - When „space advantage“ becomes a liability and a disadvantage finally#4

Cool game. Congrats.
