
Search "user:Micski"

6 forum posts
Game analysis - Why does computer recommend losing queen in this spot?#3

Thanks for this rich answer. I played this game on an older laptop, so it could be, that the CPU just did not make the computer suggest Qc7 within reasonable time. It mentions depth of 18, but some pe…

Game analysis - Why does computer recommend losing queen in this spot?#1

Knight to C7 attacks queen and rook. Computer recommends bishop to F5? Why not queen to C7 or better?

Lichess Feedback - How to claim victory, when opponent leaves the game?#6

Thank you very much. I should be able to navigate through this next time. It is probably correct, that it is related to disconnection problems. I am so lousy, that some opponents probably pulls the in…

Lichess Feedback - How to claim victory, when opponent leaves the game?#3

Thanks. I just do not understand, why it said that I had XX seconds to claim victory. It felt like a timer, that I had to react to, before the board would be taken away. It did not say, that I had XX …

Lichess Feedback - Why cannot we quick match against higher/lower rated players?#2

I also wonder. I always get seated with higher ranked opponents. I am not a Russian math genious, so it would be nice with some lousy players like myself from time to time, so I have a chance to win t…

Lichess Feedback - How to claim victory, when opponent leaves the game?#1

I was playing on a desktop computer, while my opponent left the game. I had a few seconds to claim victory. There was no obvious way to claim victory, so I clicked the flag, but that was still an inst…
