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4 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Tactics Trainer on lichess app#9

Yeah I don't know if it's a bug or if that's how it's intentionally set up. I mostly get puzzles in the 2000-2100 range even though my puzzle rating is over 2600. I thought this was maybe because ther…

Lichess Feedback - Why am I given chess puzzles >500 points below my puzzle rating?#4

@hungarydog Ok thanks I'll go post over there.

Lichess Feedback - Why am I given chess puzzles >500 points below my puzzle rating?#1

My puzzle rating is 2600+ but I mostly get puzzles in the 2000-2100 range. I get some 2200-2450 level puzzles as well but I don't remember getting any higher than that. Why is that?
