
Search "user:Matejst"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How did chess affect you#5

@benjialextie said in #1: > I have a question..... > What is the ultimate effect of playing chess ...... > I mean does it contrubute to our mental awareness what way......and does it help us c…

General Chess Discussion - Which time controls help you improve the most and which ones don’t.#5

I would like to the previous post that an emphasis still has to be put on longer time controls. When I actively played chess, I had to play several LTC games to regain my form, blitz did not help, and…

General Chess Discussion - Old aged and high rated OTB ?#18

Before the computer era, OTB games were played in several seances, and players could play longer. At 52, Petrosian defeated Kasparov; Botvinnik was world champion at 52, Bronstein played the Interzona…

General Chess Discussion - Modifications du classement Elo FIDE#3

Le classement Elo est relatif par sa nature. Il y a eu une inflation de 150 points à partir de 1990, et personne ne s'en est plaint, même si ça a eu des implications historiques qui font que les joueu…
