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6 forum posts
Game analysis - New player, looking for feedback#14

@TheClouds Yeah it's fantastic! Really good content for someone new to the game. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be sure to check them out!

Game analysis - New player, looking for feedback#12

@TheodoreBagwell Fantastic comments, thanks. On a side not, I played a game that the computer didn't find any significant mistakes with for the first time today! hahaha baby steps right :) https://lic…

Game analysis - New player, looking for feedback#9

@WildTiger Thanks so much for the advice, I found this extremely helpful :) Funny, I was halfway through the first Fundamentals video when I saw your comment! It's really eye opening. At the moment fo…

Game analysis - New player, looking for feedback#7

@Episcopul Cheers, I'll set aside time to work on tactics everyday, as well as play a couple games. I also find that the opening is what makes or breaks my game, I'm trying to focus on fully understan…

Game analysis - New player, looking for feedback#6

@tpr Thanks for the feedback & taking the time to reply. I should have included this in the initial post, I posted this game simply because I feel that I only won through my opp blundering / not seein…

Game analysis - New player, looking for feedback#1 Hi, I took up chess a couple weeks back and want to improve as quickly as I can possibly. I'm currently working through 1001 Chess Exercises for Beginners and Logi…
