
Search "user:JuniorCps"

18 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Alternate history...what if ...?#203

What if the scientists said at the last minute: "Nah, we changed our minds. Let's make this experiment (the "trinity" bomb - the very first A-bomb experiment) not in US soil, after all it may possibly…

Off-Topic Discussion - Alternate history...what if ...?#195

What if there was a test to detect psychopaths so they could not be candidates for political jobs?

Off-Topic Discussion - Alternate history...what if ...?#193

What if all psychopaths were put in madhouses?

Off-Topic Discussion - Alternate history...what if ...?#136

What if USA had dozens of atomic bombs ready to drop on both Japan and Germany while Hitler was still alive and kept dropping one every three days on both countries but they never surrendered, because…

General Chess Discussion - Is chess a sport#62

@petri999 and @everyone : Rules? Why rules? The best sports don't need rules: walking, running, swimming, dancing, ice skating, etc...

General Chess Discussion - Is chess a sport#59

More BS... Running for two hours every day in the privacy of their home is not a sport just because it's not a competition and no one knows? BS... 50% of the sports are not even ment to have competiti…

General Chess Discussion - Is chess a sport#45

Again: To be defined as a sport, the movements have to be made by the player. If someone else can make the moves for the player, it is not a sport. If you don't have arms, you can say the move and you…

General Chess Discussion - Is chess a sport#35

This just goes to show how stupid humanity is. In MANY countries people would be DECAPITADED for playing this GAME or ANY other of the thousands of games (old, very old, new, card games, board games, …

General Chess Discussion - Is chess a sport#12

Again, in a sport, the movemnts HAVE to be made by you, that's what defines it. Shooting (bullets or arrows) is a sport, because no one can hold the gun/bow for you, or pull the trigger. Car race is a…

General Chess Discussion - Is chess a sport#6

By the way, a politician told me that labeling it as a sport gets it funding from the govrnment, in many places.
