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5 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Torch - new #2 chess engine in the world#43

@VasiliTimofeev2013 said in #41: > Noooo!! > > Torch won Stockfish!! : That's right, maybe Torch isn't so bad after all (and also please explain why you all hate him already)

Off-Topic Discussion - Torch - new #2 chess engine in the world#40

@VasiliTimofeev2013 said in #39: > me too,my favorite is Lc0 Nice

Off-Topic Discussion - Torch - new #2 chess engine in the world#38

@Itsrealme said in #36: > I think Stockfish can't be the best chess engine forever, but that doesn't mean Torch would beat him either, although given that it's the first version of Torch and has about…

Off-Topic Discussion - Torch - new #2 chess engine in the world#36

I think Stockfish can't be the best chess engine forever, but that doesn't mean Torch would beat him either, although given that it's the first version of Torch and has about the same rating as Stockf…

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