
Search "user:Hyzer"

29 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Issue with tournament links#6

You could try disabling all of your Chrome extensions (it's under dot menu -> More Tools -> Extensions). If it works with the extensions disabled then you can enable them one by one to track down whic…

Lichess Feedback - Down arrow key broken for From Position games#1

If you go to a From Position game like one from an opening arena pressing the down arrow on the keyboard will go to the second-to-last move instead of the last …

General Chess Discussion - Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess#203

Really nice article, could have been right out of a professional publication for all I could tell. And props to lichess for publishing it. People think that because women nominally have the same right…

General Chess Discussion - Maia Chess: A human-like neural network chess engine#38

I like this mate that maia9 allowed, I've definitely fallen for stuff like that before. h6 is a very human move

General Chess Discussion - Black Moves First#6

#2 White has the advantage because the rules arbitrarily give white "special treatment". That's the whole point behind the symbolism. If you're upset at the concept of swapping the colors of the chess…

General Chess Discussion - Can someone translate this?#9

If pawns are footsoldiers then I guess technically it would be average centipede loss

General Chess Discussion - Can women Chess?#18

You guys should actually watch the first video, it's very good. I've been subscribed to Shaun's channel for months and all his videos are great.

Off-Topic Discussion - What happened to VoteCHess?#20

Thanks, fixed it.

Off-Topic Discussion - What happened to VoteCHess?#16

The spam filter is part of lichess, I can't fix it. But you can bypass it by adding some random text after your vote, like /e4 zxcv

Off-Topic Discussion - What happened to VoteCHess?#10

@shakki-mestari123 Bots can't see who the spectators are.
