
Search "user:HerkyHawkeye"

1530 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Where is metal music originated from?#35

No one has mentioned the Rickenbacker Frying Pan? Hmmmm......

Off-Topic Discussion - Magic on the mountain#6

Fire on the mountain, lightning in the air. Gold in them hills and it's waiting for me there. Marshall Tucker

Off-Topic Discussion - Who else is obsessed with Shakespeare?? Shakespeare fans challenge#3

I was forced to read Billy's works in high school. Hated it beyond hate. I've forgotten 99.9% of it by now, thank god. I only regretted it when i watched Jeopardy. You know, back when Alex was alive, …

Off-Topic Discussion - i am so hungry#16

Rice is good when you're really hungry and want to eat 2,000 of something. Mitch Hedberg.

Off-Topic Discussion - Have you seen famous art at a museum?#2

Perhaps not famous in the sense you intended.... if ever in the Phoenix area, visit the Musical Instrument Museum. (MIM) they have amazing displays from around the world with many indigenous samples. …

Off-Topic Discussion - should pineapple belong on pizza?#15

@KVKottamasu said in #13: > I love pineapple pizza ngl. If you go to dominoes and get thin crust w mushrooms and black olives and pinapple, its super good If you go to Dominoes and expect to get anyth…

Off-Topic Discussion - should pineapple belong on pizza?#11

Well, in some parts we do call it a pizza pie.

Off-Topic Discussion - Instrumental covers of songs#5

Peter Frampton does a great instrumental of Black Hole Sun.

Off-Topic Discussion - How and why do you develop preferences?#7

@Mrchess78 said in #2: > I guess one reason for the food preferences is exposure to said food over another at some point, then there's ones taste buds, or even the look of the food in question. :). We…

Off-Topic Discussion - If animals could talk, which one would be the rudest?#32

If that cat could talk what tales he'd tell, about Della and the Dealer and the dog as well. But the cat was cool and he never said a mumbling word...
