
Search "user:Gpalace"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Not receiving any point from the games#10

@manasu said in #7: > What was your rating before? the lower rate i have is in blitz which is around 1350

Lichess Feedback - Not receiving any point from the games#6

@manasu said in #5: > @Gpalace, did you do anything wrong, like cheating in your games. NEVER. i could swear on the head of my father. I've also competed in national tournaments here in my country wit…

Lichess Feedback - Not receiving any point from the games#3

@sheckley666 said in #2: > You're banned. > so, how can i write the appeal? it only asks me either if i have used or not external assistance during my games but by clicking on one o…

Lichess Feedback - Not receiving any point from the games#1

I've been playing for more than an hour on blitz and I noticed that I'm not gaining or losing any point. I already checked out if i were by mistake playing casual instead of rated but I'm not. I'm try…
