
Search "user:Gambl0r"

24 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Analysis issue#5

To analyse one ply takes a fraction of a second. I have precisely 43 legal moves, three of which are forcing and one has only two legal responses. If it were my opponents turn, he has 18 legal moves. …

Lichess Feedback - Analysis issue#3

It's not sacrificing a bishop, though since if gxh6 Qxh6+. So you regain the piece immediately. That much is clear, even with two plies. My reasoning for why the engine should have considered this a s…

Lichess Feedback - Analysis issue#1

Not sure how this happened, but I was checking out this position: 7k/2p2Qp1/p2p1b1p/1p3P2/6P1/4B3/P1P2P1P/1R3RK1 w - - 1 26 My opponent timed out (purposely I might add) and I was looking at what I wo…

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General Chess Discussion - An increasingly common occurrence#60

@DragonMaterz Admittedly, I shouldn't say so obliquely that it doesn't make a difference and it shouldn't be rewarded. Rather, I should say that it makes very little difference and shouldn't be reward…

General Chess Discussion - An increasingly common occurrence#24

Can we all just take a moment to reflect that this total outscoring of such a high rated field may not be down to the fact that Mr Farouzja is such an outstanding player – that was clear long before t…

General Chess Discussion - Tempo in King of the Hill variant#1

I've only played a few games of KotH, and I wanted to ask some of the more experienced players on here about the idea of gaining tempi in this variant. Of course it would be possible to gain tempi in …

Lichess Feedback - Unacceptable Time-out#68

@Aceno0b I have no sympathy because you seem to completely misunderstand what the rating system exists to do. It does not exist to massage your ego. It exists to establish a usable system to pair play…

Lichess Feedback - Unacceptable Time-out#48

@Toadofsky No! Why did you say it?! The rating system is fine! It does what it's meant to do which is to measure the relative strength of players. Emphasis on relative. @Aceno0b I've seen the notifica…

General Chess Discussion - What is your favorite time control#27

I have to say, I much prefer the standard classical time control of 90 minutes for 40 moves, add 30 minutes for the rest with a 30 second increment from the beginning. If I'm playing casually, usually…
