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4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Simple time control idea - set amount of time every move of the game can take#6

@FlamingOL said in #2: > I think it could be called something like hardcore mode or sudden death Actually, those names would apply to having no increment better idk what a better name would be

Lichess Feedback - Simple time control idea - set amount of time every move of the game can take#5

@MrPushwood said in #3: > You mean like the old Rapid Transit tourneys (10 seconds a move)? I'm pretty sure that's what I mean but idk

Lichess Feedback - Simple time control idea - set amount of time every move of the game can take#2

I think it could be called something like hardcore mode or sudden death

Lichess Feedback - Simple time control idea - set amount of time every move of the game can take#1

The idea is to have a time control where you only have a set amount of time each move of the game can take. Then when your time runs out because you can't think of a good move then either your turn is…
