
Simple time control idea - set amount of time every move of the game can take

The idea is to have a time control where you only have a set amount of time each move of the game can take.
Then when your time runs out because you can't think of a good move then either your turn is skipped or you lose (can choose when making the game).
I think this would be good for practising all parts of the game while in the low time.
It would also be really simple to add, just have an option to make the starting amount of time X then the increment:
X/15, X/2

Please can we get a crowd of people interested in this so that Lichess implements it, I really want to play people in this time control
I think it could be called something like hardcore mode or sudden death
@MrPushwood said in #3:
> You mean like the old Rapid Transit tourneys (10 seconds a move)?
I'm pretty sure that's what I mean but idk
@FlamingOL said in #2:
> I think it could be called something like hardcore mode or sudden death
Actually, those names would apply to having no increment better
idk what a better name would be
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