
Search "user:Efficacious"

14 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: More efficient & user friendly way to search by openings#2


General Chess Discussion - Some cheating.#11

#1 "If it happens once or twice a day I wouldn't care, but I'm guessing that its not just me that feels like this.." You guessed wrong, it is just you :D

General Chess Discussion - Chess books#16

@ #6 "I'm reading this book and playing through the games and the variations, but I don't feel like I'm really learning something new :/ Most of times it's like "the black response was a bad one becau…

General Chess Discussion - What online chess opening explorers you use?#30

What is that thing when I load a game and move curson on piece it highlights in light blue color a particular move from that piece which was or wasn't made in game? Looks like engine suggestion or som…

General Chess Discussion - What online chess opening explorers you use?#26

@awesomer, ok you convinced me to try Scid instead Scid vs. PC. One thing I already like more, in Scid vs. PC when board is big pieces become blurry, that doesn't happen in Scid. This elementary thing…

Lichess Feedback - Search + download ?#2

I'm also interested in this function... :(

General Chess Discussion - What online chess opening explorers you use?#13

#9 Isn't Scid vs. PC better?! "Scid vs. PC is a usability and bug-fix fork of Scid. It has extensive interface fixes and improvements, and is fully compatible with Scid's .si4 databases." source: http…

General Chess Discussion - "Really" classical tournament#6

Yes, I don't see why lichess couldn't have like 2x per week "a real classical" tournament. I think 45+0 is a bit too much, but something like 25+10 seems optimal time control for online. :)

General Chess Discussion - What online chess opening explorers you use?#1

Searching stuff about chess I randomly found these two: a) ChessTempo: b) 365 Chess: are there others (maybe better) ? Wha…

General Chess Discussion - How to add Stockfish engine to Scid vs. PC?#1

I'm not sure which one of these I should use: a) stockfish-6-32 b) stockfish-6-64 c) stockfish-6-bmi2 d) stockfish-6-sse42 or something else?
