
Search "user:Das-49-Euro-Ticket"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - poll : Which puzzle part do you like best ?#2

Highest storm 41, highest streak 68, racer 68, puzzle around 2700. I've done mostly puzzle storm, so maybe that's my favourite, although it makes me anxious (it's all a bit too fast). I like to review…

General Chess Discussion - What is the main difference between 1700 and 2000+players?#36

No, I think your response is great. I see what you are talking about, I too think less talking and more doing is key. It's not unusual two people having rather similar opinions but can't find a way to…

General Chess Discussion - What is the main difference between 1700 and 2000+players?#33

@CheerUpChess-Youtube Instead of derailing the conversation calling it an insulting debate (hilarious, really), why don't you just provide reasons on why Daniel Naroditsky is not good enough for the O…

General Chess Discussion - What is the main difference between 1700 and 2000+players?#30

@CheerUpChess-Youtube I was indeed surprised by your answer and got the impression of you being quite defensive and defending a fellow forum poster who I have not the slightest problem with for no goo…

General Chess Discussion - What is the main difference between 1700 and 2000+players?#28

@CheerUpChess-Youtube Was I attacking him in your opinion? Because then you have got a wrong impression completely. Since there isn't one key difference between weaker and stronger players, no matter …

General Chess Discussion - What is the main difference between 1700 and 2000+players?#26

@Le_Patzer83 Bro, in all kindness, OP wanted some advice how to improve their positional play and you told them how to get to Expert Level. If I would have studied and know all that stuff you have men…
