
Search "user:Chess_Addict0004"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Comparing chess-platforms#3

@Thorcan91 said in #1: >But in terms of training tactics, puzzles, which one would rise my skills the most? Which website does offer best tactical training or examples to solve? Is it really matter if…

General Chess Discussion - Wrong result given#3

@DelhiCapitals said in #1: > In this I played with white pieces and unfortunately I ran out of time, but my opponent didn't have any mating piece or series of legal checkmate sequence. I would thereby…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#24

Your website is amazing, I worked out the entire king and pawns section back in 2020 to help my game, and I can say I haven't seen any better training website. The only thing that made me stop using i…

General Chess Discussion - Loses again comes in waves. Is it me or something else?#6

To answer your question "Is it me or something else?" - It's something else, it's called tilting and very common (although maybe not universal). It used to happen to me 1-2 times every week. The reaso…

General Chess Discussion - Opinion: getting annoyed because your opponent refuses to resign is a sign of arrogance#13

For me it comes down to what you are trying to get from playing that particular game. If it's a serious tournament that you really want to win, then by all means play as long as you see any chance of …

General Chess Discussion - blind#4

In the game window, below your opponent's rating you will see three short horizontal lines. Click on it and a drop-down like feature will open where you have the blindfold mode along with Zen mode, fl…
