
Search "user:ChessMan1969"

21 forum posts
Game analysis - A beautiful game#2

Nxf7 by white was an inspired attack... It hit me like a ton of bricks but somehow I recovered my nerve and counterattacked...

Game analysis - A beautiful game#1

Here I present a game of such depth and brilliance that the very goddess Caissa herself wept at its beauty...

General Chess Discussion - Most dumb proof opening?#2

Looking at your openings you are not following fundamental opening strategies.... I suggest learning the opening fundamentals and then your openings will play themselves...most mainlines are simply th…

General Chess Discussion - How to get more rating if I already reached my peak rating#5

Your 'career'?

General Chess Discussion - Should I learn the Sicilian?#7

if you play the sicilian and your opponent knows what they are doing you better be very good at defending as white gets a marked advantage in development and sacrificial attacks are a hallmark of this…

General Chess Discussion - Best Way to Improve my Chess#4

Although I don't play 'serious' chess anymore, when I was a strong player I found a good book of combinations teaches one to look for imaginative and unusual sacrifices not always apparent to the nake…

Game analysis - Another puzzle I don't understand#7

@OctoPinky said in #5: > Just follow engine next moves: after b6, White can play Nc6 threatening the Rook so Bishop can be safely relocated, or fxe4 winning another Knight. Why not try thinking for yo…

General Chess Discussion - AI assistants and Chess cheating#8

A chess engine itself is 'AI'...I don't get what you are trying to say its obvious that using an AI assistant or using an AI chess engine are pretty much the same thing when it comes to if someone is …

General Chess Discussion - Anyone Else Bad at Bullet and Blitz but good at Classical?#6

Bullet and blitz is super aggressive unlike classical which is more controlled and strategical. If you are not a mentally aggressive person maybe you will not be so good at these aggressive formats.

Community Blog Discussions - Losing Consciousness#25

Its only a game for god's sake nobody DIES if they lose!
