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414 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Why isnt Knight vs Knight auto draw??#2

Checkmate is possible (on the corner) if either side blunders.

Lichess Feedback - Program error#14 This is probably why black's Kxh4 was not registered server-side. > But he run out of time so white win.. From …

Lichess Feedback - Program error#12

> well you have to take the rook then you win but he checked you ur time run out and plus that isent a draw white has a rook he could all the pawns so no error you just lost on time. No, the rook does…

Lichess Feedback - Program error#10

#8 Yes that game should be called a draw. A GitHub issue was filed with regard to this: (Nevertheless you could have played Kxh4 and saved the draw, bu…

Lichess Feedback - Program error#9

> How I can play in normal chess? By default, any game you play using quick pairing should be normal chess. Be sure to set the variant to "Standard" if you are setting the game using any of "Custom", …

Lichess Feedback - Program error#5

Yes, that's how this variant works. If your opponent captures your pawn, then the pawn's color changes. Your opponent can then drop the pawn anywhere anytime on the board except the 1st or 8th ranks. …

Lichess Feedback - Program error#3 Perhaps you are referring to this game? You played a crazyhouse variant game. This variant guide by Lichess can make it easier to understand the basics of crazyhouse…

General Chess Discussion - нн6#9

Please don't spam the forums. Please read the posting guidelines before using the forums. ( Пожалуйста, не спамьте форумы. Прежде чем пользоваться форумами, пр…

Lichess Feedback - Is it possible for somebody to appeal for someone else?#3

No. From the appeal page: > Sorry we don't take appeals from other accounts. The appeal should come from nowhere else, but the concerned account.

Lichess Feedback - Bug#4

Эта ссылка показывает ход исправления на GitHub. Это уже исправлено; исправление будет выпущено в ближайшее время.
