Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Berserk filter in Advanced search#1 Is it possible to add a dropdown menu for Berserking in the Advanced search? e.g. with the options: *Neither player berserked *[player1] berserked *[player2] berserked (if searching for players) * Whi… | Bogen |
Lichess Feedback - This just happened#1 I first got this puzzle and managed find the solution The next puzzle I got: | Bogen |
Game analysis - atomic#2 It is a chess variant: Did you believe you were playing normal chess? I wish I could have seen your face when he just played Bxd2, blowing up your entire royal fam… | Bogen |
General Chess Discussion - Why no more human vs. computer demos?#10 What do you mean, human vs. machine chess games are not happening anymore?… | Bogen |
Game analysis - Holy mother of come-backs#4 I have this game from last year bookmarked. It is even better because I was about to lose on time as well. In fact, my clock showed 0:00.0 after I made the mati… | Bogen |
Game analysis - Worst light square bishop ever?#6 It is a bad dark square bishop, but Kasparov-Sting should be mentioned. (Though black is more famous as a musician than as a chess player.) | Bogen |
General Chess Discussion - insufficiant mating material#12 There is another side to this rule. See this game: By FIDE rules, this should be a draw, as neither side can move his pawns, and the kings can't cross the center, so no … | Bogen |
Lichess Feedback - Time before forfeit on 1st move in tournaments#7 On a related note, could we get a button to start the clock so we can use more than 15 seconds on the first move without forfeiting? In standard chess this would of course not be very useful, but it c… | Bogen |
Lichess Feedback - Can there be a new tournement system#3 It used to be possible to set up a Swiss tournament, but it appears that that option has been removed. Swiss tournaments weren't very popular. The main problem is that you get much longer waiting peri… | Bogen |
Lichess Feedback - Bug in atomic#2 No, it is the pawn that captures the knight, exploding itself, the knight and the queen. Taking with queen would be better, of course, but the log says cxd6. | Bogen |