
Search "user:BeliefOnTheLordJesus"

43 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Closed Accounts#2

By the user, in settings or something

General Chess Discussion - how is this mate?#15

@jonesmh wouldn't work as well with anything over 30 seconds though haha

General Chess Discussion - how is this mate?#14

@jonesmh Yeah, I mean I didn't know the rook and king checkmate when i had 2070 I think on bullet chess. But it wasn't needed to be honest when I just move fast and don't play real chess. Someone show…

General Chess Discussion - how is this mate?#12

This guy is awesome though, he doesn't know rules of chess and decent above curve! :D

General Chess Discussion - how is this mate?#11

It isn't really about if you can take the king... king is never taken to begin with. You can't get out of king out of check while in check.

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#289

@BisoMiso Catholicism is straight out of hell, so no

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#252

@Jzyehoshua Exactly, any skeptic who doesn't want to believe can and will deny any amount of historical evidence handed to them. "Those who seek Him honestly and earnestly will find Him, but it will b…

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#242

@nuffsed81 You don't understand dispensations, I believe every word of the Bible, doesn't mean it is all directed toward me. That was directed toward the nation Israel. There is many just plain distor…

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#240

@invictum777 If you don't believe there is historical evidence then you don't believe any of history existed. The Textus Receptus had more than 5000 greek new testaments alone. Most documents in histo…

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#239

@Kaynight1 What's atheism then? Excuse for fags to be huge faggots?
