
how is this mate?

It isn't really about if you can take the king... king is never taken to begin with. You can't get out of king out of check while in check.
A lot of star athletes don't know about the physics of their sport, but they can still play the game well. And there examples of when the officals (umpires, referees, etc) don't know all the rules of the game.
@jonesmh Yeah, I mean I didn't know the rook and king checkmate when i had 2070 I think on bullet chess. But it wasn't needed to be honest when I just move fast and don't play real chess. Someone showed me like 2 months ago how and he was shocked i didnt know.
Your king is in check and it has no legal squares to move to hence it is a checkmate.
I think you should ignore the rules and take the pawn. F... em all. Then go after his king with yours. He won't know what hit him.
well its 1st time i see someone mate with with a pinned unit as a support. its new to me. so i learned something new :D

My opinion is ıt makes a little easier if lichess clean the pinning checkmate. But well check mate. Bravo!
You are welcome to write me a private message if you have a question/want to ask a question.

Best wishes,

Kerem Kahraman

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