
Search "user:Awesome-Days"

3 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Doing so tactics with no results, or little#12

Solve rated puzzles on difficulty "Easier" until u hit 2450 puzzle rating. U should see improvement by then.

Community Blog Discussions - Adapting nnue-pytorch's binary position format for Lichess#13

@mathyxxx said in #10: > sorry for having daft question here. What programming language is using "*" symbol for writing up comments? Thank you :) Stata. It's a statistical programming language for cau…

Community Blog Discussions - Adapting nnue-pytorch's binary position format for Lichess#4

It's cool if you get a system that is data efficient. Please note though that it's imperative that puzzle database and similar related items continue to include fen for describing positions because it…
