
Search "user:Aonrathon"

49 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Is it possible to long for global warming?#10

@LordSupremeChess said in #8: > Let me guess: Its the Illuminati that's behind all this. In your world rich people can't lie or be criminals. It's almost cute.

Off-Topic Discussion - Is it possible to long for global warming?#5

The weather is controlled/influenced to support the totally false narrative

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess is finally improving!#10

I think getting rid of national flags was a disgusting decision and I don't see any good reason for it.

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is there lichess symbol beside my name#20

@A_0123456 said in #19: > what are you babbling about? clearly clicking in to someone's profile happens far less. they could have kept national flags as an option for flair

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is there lichess symbol beside my name#18

They wanted to eliminate the display of national flags.

Off-Topic Discussion - Have you ever gotten a response when you asked the universe to give you a sign?#4

Why do people pray to 'the universe' instead of God? It shows the human need for prayer, at any rate.

Off-Topic Discussion - What are y'all opinions on gravity?#58

@kalafiorczyk said in #57: > Classic strawman argument. One person talk about theory of gravitation and the other about theory of general relativity. They aren't the same. Gravitation does not work. T…

Off-Topic Discussion - What are y'all opinions on gravity?#50

@LordSupremeChess said in #48: > So, some guy in a lab created gravity? Imagine when your teacher asks you to hand in your homework you give them a big handful of nothing and tell them it's "dark home…

Off-Topic Discussion - What are y'all opinions on gravity?#49

@Thalassokrator said in #45: > literally, unironically, religious babble Get a grip. It can't be observed. The "effects" of dark matter are literally, LITERALLY, just the evidence that gravity is not …

Off-Topic Discussion - What are y'all opinions on gravity?#43

@Thalassokrator said in #42: Your post is such a massive wall of coping BS it's unbelievable. You even admit: > Of course there's no direct observational evidence for dark matter. Gravity does not wor…
