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19 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to beat the Caro Kann?#2

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. Bd3 Nc6 5. c3 Nf6 6. Bf4 Bg4 7. Nf3 e6 8. Nbd2 Bd6 9. Bxd6 Qxd6 10. O-O O-O 11. Qc2 Rfc8 12. a3 a6 13. Rae1 b5 14. Qb1 Bh5 15. Ne5 Bg6 16. Bxg6 hxg6 17. f4 Ne7 18. Re…

General Chess Discussion - What to play against 1. d4#1

There are multiple options, I need to know which is suitable for me. My style is irresponsible attacking, just like Mikhail Tal, i make blunders and brilliancies, I like to attack and avoid any positi…

General Chess Discussion - Where can i find full history of arena tournaments??#2 Go learn!

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Hack!#1

1. Click on puzzles 2. Where you see the users playing click on one of those. 3. Click on advanced search. 4. Enter his opponent's name 5. Go to game 6. See move number 7. Turn on engine Done!

General Chess Discussion - How to prepare for 90/30 tournament?#18

Thank you guys. I have jotted down all the points Thanks for your useful guidance and also some comments that made me laugh in such crammy situation where i am studying lessons and lessons 10hr/day. T…

General Chess Discussion - How to prepare for 90/30 tournament?#2

Also please tell the Do's and Dont's

General Chess Discussion - How to prepare for 90/30 tournament?#1

Hello guys. I wont completely reveal things. But i would like to tell about me to request perfect suggestions. I am a 1200 fide rated player and playing classic 90/30 tournament for the first time so …

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish disagrees with its own analysis after a few moves.#4

@Chesserroo2 said in #1: > Has anyone else noticed Stockfish say a move is a 3 point blunder, and then next move only 2 point, then less than 1 point, all while you play the recommended top moves for …

Lichess Feedback - How can there be more than 64 chapters in astudy?#1

There are 178 chapters in a study. Is it even possible? And how? It would be very helpful! Link:

General Chess Discussion - Can opening books be trusted?#2

The problem here is the engine you are using. You may use databases like chessbase 16 or even lichess provides you best opening explorer. Answer to your questions: 1) Yes, I personally use lichess exp…
