
Search "user:AndersonConnors"

15 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why not for a second am I in two minds of game outcome?#9

It's just the way skill games work at non-pro levels. Some participants are really proficient at some parts of the game while less so at others. (Other players, like me, are poor at all parts of the g…

Community Blog Discussions - Openings vs. Ratings#33

I probably missed it when reading the blog entry, but which time control is this graph for? Because don't most of us have different Lichess ratings depending on time control? (I certainly do: my bulle…

Lichess Feedback - Select Rating Range in Quick Pairing#2

I've had pretty good luck with opponents being close to my rating (within reason), but no, I don't think there's a way to set a specific range for quick pairing. (I agree it should be a feature though…

Lichess Feedback - Progress graph disappeared#25

Another vote for "what happened to the graph?" I'd at least like to know whether it's a weeks-long bug or an unannounced removal of the feature.

Lichess Feedback - Missing the profile's rating diagram in the app (iOS)#2

My question too. (But for Android.) I used to enjoy seeing my progress (or fear seeing my failure) in the graph and it's been missing for a couple of weeks.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Puzzle Reset Button#7

@mcgoves said in #6: > I think you can get what you want by clicking the direct link to the puzzle (next to the arrow-through-a-target icon). That reloads the puzzle. Ah, thanks! That works perfectly.…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Puzzle Reset Button#4

@Chan_Fry said in #3: > ...he's basically asking for the way it works on [the other site]... You don't have to go all the way to the other site to see what I mean. Open the Lichess app and fail a puzz…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Puzzle Reset Button#1

I think it would be helpful to have a "reset" (or "replay") button on the page of a puzzle. Currently, when I miss a move and click "view solution", the page says "puzzle complete" (even though it's u…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish Analysis feature in Lichess App#3

@Chan_Fry said in #2: > I'm not *certain*, but I think it depends on the hardware. I've noticed that on my tablet (older) the engine runs slowly and at lower depth, but on my phone (very new), it runs…

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish 15 on lichess#9

Today, I saw "Stockfish 15" during the game analysis. (Not at the top, where the engine suggests various lines, but at the bottom where the graph is being generated - down there it said "15".)
