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6 forum posts
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Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#215

@TheLordOfLight > I find that there are certain religions that are "real" while others are "fake." For example, the Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Wesleyans, Presbyterians, etc are real, whil…

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#196

> Of course, since Gödel we know that mathematics in itself is not consistent (regardless of adopting the original set definition by Cantor and Dedekind or its revision by Zermelo and Fraenkel, regard…

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#194

@krasnaya Well, it is true that when we try to apply some mathematical model in practice, it is a duty of the natural science that uses math as a tool to get enough evidence that this model is really …

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#192

@BlackBishop9319 The problems with such internet discussions about religion is that people usually don't like to listen others' opinion for the reason that it relies on sources that they consider untr…

General Chess Discussion - How your loss and gains are determined.#7

What engine calls "mistakes", "blunders" etc. is quite irrelevant to your skill. There are games of 2000+ players with lots of tactical blunders which both players missed. This only says that the posi…