
Search "user:MorningCoffee"

470 forum posts
Game analysis - Funny trap - don't know if its known or not...#6

from now on this will be known as the "Crispim trap" random conversation after 4 years: P1:Hey did you watch Caruana's last game? P2:Ye, he fell for the Crispim trap in time pressure P1: Oh damn! P st…

General Chess Discussion - My riddle of the day#3

47 (not completely sure)

General Chess Discussion - Really interesting read - IM Greg Shahade: "Slow Chess should die a fast death"! #18

plot twist: OP is actually Greg or maybe Jennifer :) and without reading it its probably garbage,its like having to calculate an obviously weak move, too lazy for this stuff #6 @lovlas <------ what he…

Lichess Feedback - Site updates#3

one thing that could be done is +30 seconds (or whatever amount) right before the server update.

General Chess Discussion - OTB game against person with Tourette Syndrome#4

Its a sensitive situation Well there have to be some regulations by fide on this matter(never actually read them) so if he is crossing the line its the arbiters' duty to clarify* to him the rules, and…

Game analysis - c8=B##2

12.Qb6 !? who needs the queen to win?Bishops are enough, thats why 47. c8=B :)

Game analysis - Philidor's defence, with open files midgame#3

h6 +a6+ giving up the centre + Qd7 (lol, why Qd7?) Black's play was very provocative as well as white's (leaving the bishop on e3 and recapturing with the f pawn) although it was an interesting idea a…

Lichess Feedback - thank you to my dearest friends#2

???? I think there is chance, that there is a point somewhere in this text I guess I missed it The language seemed awfully close to english but honestly I cant understand anything

Lichess Feedback - Wording of cheat marks#11

@Harutsedo I have to admit you actually have a point there. I will mention some things a) lets say a person takes a gun and kills 50 random people at the street.After 6 months would you call this pers…

Off-Topic Discussion - say something nice in a simple["haiku" met#14

If only I could count to three
