
Search "user:cptmajormajor"

183 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Rant about chess rules OTB in real life: Hanging Kings#6

I have heard of king slayers but never king hangers. The king is dead, long live the King! Cant get rid of these royalty, worse than cockroaches.

Off-Topic Discussion - Interesting social commentary#16

#15 The conclusions of money driven advances is based on recent times when science became an art form and not the plaything of the rich and supernatural (as it was before). The fact it is a commonly h…

General Chess Discussion - Premove tricks in bullet#29

#28 Thats the spirit , punish the pre movers

Off-Topic Discussion - Interesting social commentary#12

I think it silly to imagine that profit chasing is a the only motivator for technological advances. That a certain system( that siphons as much as it can from any environment) is the best driving forc…

General Chess Discussion - Premove tricks in bullet#25

There could be other thread where a player is shocked by another player's pre moving their opening and they think this is rude. 'How dare they make moves without thinking, this is against the spirit o…

Lichess Feedback - Logo Knight of lichess#20

The old current knight was spotted having drinks/negotiation talks with the ICC rook. They dont stand for that corporate sabotage at lichess.

Off-Topic Discussion - Rude/arrogant people on lichess#15

I must admit I enjoy when they are rude and aggressive because then I can be nasty to them and 'teach them a lesson'. There is no lesson other than nasty person was nasty to someone who likes to be na…

General Chess Discussion - Players of Today against Players of the Past#23

The point in not knowing a lot of theory is you have no idea when you are entering or deviating from well known lines. Nobody is saying the greats would not win plenty of games but they would lose ple…

General Chess Discussion - Players of Today against Players of the Past#18

In fantasy , a person can give too much importance to whatever they want. But if someone was to imagine that Capablanca would win so many games coming up against a top 100 player who knows so much ope…

General Chess Discussion - Players of Today against Players of the Past#16

someone would be silly then
