
Search "user:Toscani"

5237 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - What isn't as difficult as people say it is?#27

Many aspects of "maturing" may not be as difficult as they are commonly portrayed.

Off-Topic Discussion - Why do we Exist?#82

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I want to clarify that my previous comments were not intended to offend anyone. If they did, I sincerely apologize.

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you prefer iPhone or Samsung#8

I guess for many it might boil down to a preference of privacy, ... to use or not to use cloud services. I don't need to advertise ... or know what others use.

Off-Topic Discussion - Why do you think 11 isn’t pronounced onety-one?#3

Timekeeping has been around for a long time. Every hour has a unique name. The rest of the numbers beyond 12, are on a base of 10 because we first learned to count on our fingers.

Off-Topic Discussion - If we can't see air can fish see water?#8

I added two links to help answer the subject question. There was no need to fully quote my post. I now deleted it to reduce the spam effect caused by fully quoting.…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why do we Exist?#80

Thank you all for your insights. I appreciate the diverse perspectives...

Off-Topic Discussion - Why do we Exist?#78

Sarcasm inverts the surface meaning, and "seems wise" actually communicates that something is decidedly unwise. Choosing our words carefully is essential, especially when the tone is absent from a pos…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why do we Exist?#76

Everyone has some potential ability to shape our collective future and find personal meaning of existence in the process. The key is to remain compassionate towards others.

Off-Topic Discussion - Why do we Exist?#64

Why do we exist? Well, we haven't reached our full potential yet, so the question persists until we have a clear goal. It's our responsibility to guide that potential of existence in a positive way. J…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why do we Exist?#58

To be alive or experience life.
