
Search "user:Horse_Badorties"

49 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is there any way to look up how to deal with certain situations?#2

this is called a kingside fianchetto by black and the classical attack on it would be changing the fianchetto bishop by putting your own bishop on h6, typically defended by your queen and open the pos…

Lichess Feedback - site suggestions from a teacher#5

Ok, here are some random ideas: 1. Edit/Delete variations within the Analysis Board – yes please! 2. Local engine support – check variations on the fly 3. Nice to have: Share an Analysis Board with so…

Lichess Feedback - site suggestions from a teacher#4

very good post! Since I'm planing on using lichess for working with kids as well I'll add some notes/ideas later.

Lichess Feedback - endgame training#3

FWIW - chesstempo has endgame training - I believe it's available for basic/free members as well, but not sure.

Lichess Feedback - Notation for Chess Games#5

Zugzwang69, I can understand your nostalgic sentiment, but apart from nostalgia descriptive notation really is a pain in the butt and algebraic notation completely took over for a reason. It's a bit l…

Lichess Feedback - DGT Support#21

I don't think the actual delay ("stabletime") is a big problem, at least not with time controls of 15+10 and longer. You can even change the stabletime parameter in the driver settings if you want to.…

Lichess Feedback - Starting Position of Thematic Tournaments#2

true, you really should be able to see the starting position. BTW - this KIA tourney started with 1.Nf3 d5 2. g3 already on the board - a KIA is only one of many many resulting possibilities, so in re…

Lichess Feedback - DGT Support#14

The DGT software is a royal PITA - I wholeheartedly second that. I very much enjoy playing with the DGT board but you really have to agree on an increment of +5 or even +10. Blitz is pointless, I do 1…

Lichess Feedback - tactic puzzle 17409#7 Rd1 Kg2 Qe2# fails, but shouldn't.

Lichess Feedback - tactic puzzle 17409#6

next one: ...Kg7 f3 Bc5+ fails??! (Rh8 only move accepted as "correct")
