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43 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Атлантида. The new film "ATLANTIS. THE ELITE IN SEARCH OF IMMORTALITY"(English Subtitles)#5

aladin75 Чего его лазить по форумам и читать тексты на английском?

Off-Topic Discussion - Атлантида. The new film "ATLANTIS. THE ELITE IN SEARCH OF IMMORTALITY"(English Subtitles)#1

A documentary film, which first revealed the true history of mankind. Alternative history. THE TRUTH about the origin of the eli…

Off-Topic Discussion - Alternative history of Ancient Egypt. Imhotep#1

From the book of Anastasia Novykh "Sensei of Shambala. Book IV». "“So, as far as Imhotep concerned,” Sensei began to tell. “This man used skillfully and praiseworthly the knowledge revealed to him by …

General Chess Discussion - Ukrainian Anna Muzychuk became the world champion in rapid chess#1

Ukrainian Anna Muzychuk secured the first place at the world championship in rapid chess among women. About the same time FIDE announced in his Twitter. During the tournament, Anna Muzychuk has not su…

General Chess Discussion - Ivanchuk World Rapid Champ#2

Garry Kasparov on Twitter: "Congrats to the Great Vassily on winning the World Rapid! He surprised me many times at the board; now he’s teaching a whole new generation."

Off-Topic Discussion - The speed of one`s thinking#6

To karlgoethebier: The sect is a convenient name for all opponents. Ok, let us rely on the opinion of the Orthodox Church. Would you like to know the opinion of this organization of chess? https://www…

Off-Topic Discussion - The speed of one`s thinking#3

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Off-Topic Discussion - The speed of one`s thinking#1

Retelling the conversation of the author with the old priest ((based on the book by Vladimir Megre "Energy of Life") "“It is now well known that the feature that distinguishes Man from all other life …

Off-Topic Discussion - What are your favorite books to read?#6

My favorite books now are the books of Vladimir Megre about Anastasia. "The first book of the Ringing Cedars Series tells the story of entrepreneur Vladimir Megre's trade trip to the Siberian taiga in…

Lichess Feedback - Something wrong with my page.#20

Now I can enter. Thanks.
