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Dboing's Musings - drafts parking lot#26

max ( a+e, b + e) compared to max (a , b). since we added the errors we might look at the difference. can we write max (a* , b*) = max ( a, b) + some error function( what?). this is all additions. and…

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Lichess Feedback - Question regarding "cloned studies" and a somewhat related one about the "chat room"#5

I may have just misinterpreted the clues... FYI ... I had posted my "cloned copy" and assigned it a topic (call it "MyCC") which my original also had as a topic (briefly before I eventually removed it…

Lichess Feedback - Question regarding "cloned studies" and a somewhat related one about the "chat room"#4

>the cloned copy just has the "Cloned form xxxx" statement in it and nothing else... >one of my team made a comment in the chat of the cloned copy Then I don't quite follow... In any case, messages po…
