
Search "user:oberschlumpf"

394 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Endgame KQ vs KR#8

John Nunn covers KQ vs KR nicely in his book Secrets of Pawnless Endings. Most helpful for me was endgame training on Chess Tempo (I used free membership, 2 problems per day, endgame practice). If you…

NM oberschlumpf
Lichess Feedback - Chess 960 castling#2

The trick is to move the king to the square of the rook! It has to be different than in normal chess, because otherwise in a position like this Kg1 would be ambiguous

NM oberschlumpf
Lichess Feedback - How to find games that were live streamed.#5

Seemingly broadcasted tournaments - - are only stored for half a year. Would be nice, if Lichess can remove this limitation.

NM oberschlumpf
Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Reserve Button (Doubles the time control)#3

In non-tournament games it's technically possible to play for instance with six against three minutes: your opponent can add time to your clock (15 seconds per click, if I remember correctly)

NM oberschlumpf
Lichess Feedback - Endgame knight vs. knight vs time#3

Like that:

NM oberschlumpf
General Chess Discussion - Chess intuition not improving.#2

In general you calculate more, when there are threats or when you are spotting tactical weaknesses like unproteced pieces or an exposed king. And in some endgames ofc. Practice, analysis and exercises…

NM oberschlumpf
General Chess Discussion - I lost 20 games out of 20 against SimpleEval#6

One year ago I played a series of 3+2 games against SimpleEval. The result was frustrating, after 34 games ( 8 draws, 26 losses) I stopped. After reading this post I tried it again with more time (5+3…

NM oberschlumpf
Lichess Feedback - GM lost, but it was a draw!!! Moders!! Look at this!!#12

FIDE article 9.6 says: "The game is drawn when a position is reached from which a checkmate cannot occur by any possible series of legal moves. This immediately ends the game, provided that the move p…

NM oberschlumpf
General Chess Discussion - What's the best way to avoid mouseslip?#8

I am using the "Click two squares" method as mentioned in #2. If I move the bishop from b2 to h8, then I first click on b2 and then on h8.

NM oberschlumpf
General Chess Discussion - Why is the Dutch Defence so unpopular?#6

It is playable, but the move f5 is a positional concession, it usually either weakens e5 (stonewall setup with e6 and d5) or the diagonal a2-g8 (Leningrad setup with d6, g6 and Bg7). @spellingbee2 sai…

NM oberschlumpf