
Search "user:alexObby21"

449 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What was the highest puzzle rating on Lichess you've ever seen?#1

Here are some suggestions: Your responses?

Off-Topic Discussion - I like annoying people#23

@JusseJade2010 said in #1: > Hey there pls someone msg me and annoy me, i love this..... Can you help me with my math homework? It's very very easy! Super simple! Just as shown:…

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm retiring from forums.#23

@KNIGHT_c4 said in #22: > @alexObby21 > > No, But maybe you could try 2 liters of prune juice! Have you tried to stop saying but maybe you could?

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm retiring from forums.#21

@KNIGHT_c4 said in #20: > @alexObby21 > > Such an original! LOL > > Take easy -- you'll blow an artery! > > Have you tried Chinese Chess? > > Have you tried to eat 60 pounds of cheese?

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm retiring from forums.#19

@KNIGHT_c4 said in #17: > @alexObby21 > > Awwww c'mon Alex. > > Do I have to write in in braille and shove it in your ear? > Just cool out loony bird! Listen, I don't want to start an argument.

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm retiring from forums.#18

@KNIGHT_c4 said in #17: > @alexObby21 > > Awwww c'mon Alex. > > Do I have to write in in braille and shove it in your ear? > Just cool out loony bird! @KNIGHT_c4 Awwwww c'mon Iyambaé. Do I have to wri…

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm retiring from forums.#16

@KNIGHT_c4 said in #15: > @alexObby21 > > Such a drama queen you are. > Just leave dammit. Such a mouthful of sh*t you are. Just shut the heck up dammit.

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm retiring from forums.#13

@KNIGHT_c4 said in #12: > Ugh ... another retirement thread. It's supposed to be a wholesome post, lad. What are you, in your emo phase?

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm retiring from forums.#9

@beginnerdev said in #8: > I have never seen you in the forums? Were you really that active? Yep. Check my profile!

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm retiring from forums.#4

@Dukedog said in #3: > @alexObby21 > Well bro, good luck! I admire your focus. > I can only speak for myself > But you'll always be welcome in the forum :) Thanks, bro :D.
