
Search "user:Toadofsky"

8869 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - 2024 Toronto International Bughouse Tournament Recap#2

I'm sorry I missed seeing this event live! Thanks for sharing the video link so I may watch it.

Community Blog Discussions - Calculating Piece Activity#6

> As always, it's difficult to say which formula would be more correct, but I certainly think that there is room for improvement. I'm interested to hear some suggestions from you about the formula. On…

Community Blog Discussions - Road to 2300#8

I'm modestly annoyed that my opening knowledge is so shallow... here Nd2 wins an exchange: ... and here Bxc3 is a serious candidate move, despite severely weakeni…

General Chess Discussion - I'm not getting enough elo in lichess, yet I gain up to 50+ in

Learning how the rating systems are supposed to work only exacerbates existing problems with both, at least until either site commits to improving their rating system.

General Chess Discussion - I'm not getting enough elo in lichess, yet I gain up to 50+ in

Alternatively, Lichess could implement Glicko-2 or Glicko-Boost to stabilize ratings.

General Chess Discussion - I'm not getting enough elo in lichess, yet I gain up to 50+ in

@WhipGaming said in #1: > I know lichess and have different rating systems Both sites use Glicko-1 or a derivative thereof, despite Lichess claiming to use Glicko-2.

Community Blog Discussions - Road to 2300#6

Fun fact: OTB a player may claim "threefold repetition is about to occur" by stopping the clock and writing the threefold move. Online, since stopping the clock isn't possible, instead one can offer a…

Community Blog Discussions - Road to 2300#4

Yeah... there isn't a whole lot to learn from this blog post, other than: for decades I've sulked about trying to learn openings since opponents always seem to know twice as much as I do. But maybe be…

Community Blog Discussions - Road to 2300#1

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Community Blog Discussions - Back to Losing at Chess#12

Just because an engine fails to refute a move doesn't make that move good, either in principle or in practice. I'd even suggest that 11... c5 might be where you relaxed from carefully calculating vari…
