
Search "user:Raspberry_yoghurt"

3079 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - *There Is Oversimplification In Politics ~ Do You Agree?#32

@Noflaps said in #31: > @Raspberry_yoghurt , your #29 is not the first time somebody who disagrees with me politically has attempted to shift to me the burden of making THEIR argument and defending TH…

Off-Topic Discussion - Climate effects may be even worse than IPCC says#19

Liquid hydronege is another option. It needs electricity to make, so whenn electricity is abundant, you can fill up the hydrogene tanks. You can run anything in liquid hydrogene, the German navy for i…

Off-Topic Discussion - Climate effects may be even worse than IPCC says#18

@what_game_is_this said in #16: > Switching to renewables is a business opportunity, it will create jobs. It is not all a cost. And what cost there is will in the long run save on less severe nature d…

Off-Topic Discussion - Any ideas to dropping an egg without breaking it?#2

Eggs are really strong on the "tips" of the egg. If you try to press down on the tips, you'll find it cannot break. It's actually possibly to throw eggs straight up in the air and let them land on a l…

Off-Topic Discussion - Climate effects may be even worse than IPCC says#15

@kyanite111 said in #12: > I really wonder why they don't take geoengineering more seriously. If they are really confident they can do it the traditional way, through reducing CO2 emissions, then all …

Off-Topic Discussion - *There Is Oversimplification In Politics ~ Do You Agree?#29

I don't google stuff for people any more, because they just want me to waste time. Any numbers I find in google, I will either get told that these are not the right numbers or I will never get an answ…

Off-Topic Discussion - *There Is Oversimplification In Politics ~ Do You Agree?#28

@Noflaps said in #25: > As for @Raspberry_yoghurt 's statement above (#19) that "Biden made an insanely efficient plan...." please tell us: how so? America now seems to be groaning under the interest …

Off-Topic Discussion - Climate effects may be even worse than IPCC says#11

@s2numbuq35i said in #9: > The first chapter of the book (from the guy above) describes several such tipping points. At 3 C warming you have: > - Permafrost > - Arctic > - Greenland > - Coral reefs > …

Off-Topic Discussion - Climate effects may be even worse than IPCC says#10

@bfchessguy said in #4: > Actuaries are going give us a nice Reality Check soon. No matter how hard we're denying. ;-) Florida already having big problems with home insurance I hear

Off-Topic Discussion - *There Is Oversimplification In Politics ~ Do You Agree?#23

@Approximation said in #22: > I'm not against green tech, but... > > The main problem with solar is it only works for certain hours on sunny or mostly sunny days giving it some value in some areas. It…
