
Search "user:Opus2"

26 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Vegans#18

I wonder why vegans are such a problem for you. Are you jealous or eating meat is still a moral dilemma for you ? Most of the vegans I know dont talk at all about eating animals or not. Especially not…

General Chess Discussion - Letting time run out instead of resigning#6

Yes, it's a real problem. This kind of "player" has nothing to do with chess. Just ban them from Lichess !

Lichess Feedback - Players leaving games in lost positions #3

What happens in this case on the other chess sites ?

General Chess Discussion - Favorite Openings#8

@anjumskhan_practice I mean : 1.e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3.Nf3 Nc6 4. c3 dxc3

General Chess Discussion - Favorite Openings#6

As a beginner, I play usually the English opening, because it's a confortable way to start. Sometimes the Goring gambit when I play Blitz, because it is very aggressive.

General Chess Discussion - Young Blood#31

Why "we" ? Just say "I", dude !
