
Search "user:McVain"

76 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Penguin has almost reached 3200 Elo, that's incredible#64

He is not this good a player, but should somehow be superior to @Sarg0n, the CM??? I don't get it, seems to be about speed only. How well are you able to handle your touchpad? Ridiculo...

General Chess Discussion - Speed run to 1500#3

Sounds like a great night!!! Hope you don't fall asleep!

General Chess Discussion - all cheater in anonymous play?#11

Impressing GF with online chess rating? @bunyip #3 You must be kidding me...

Lichess Feedback - Request: 'Openings' subforum#2

I like the idea!

General Chess Discussion - what kind of players do you dislike the most?#24

I am sorry, I like them all :-)

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General Chess Discussion - Queen vs 2 Rooks#12

@Sarg0n #10, is there a source for this statement, you could provide? Not that I doubt it, but I would like to read something like an article about it. Thanks

General Chess Discussion - Queen vs 2 Rooks#8

I've got it even worse - playing a queen vs. rook endgame in correspondence and seem to be unable to win it! Just weird that I never had to play this endgame before.... (And I don't ask for hints here…

Lichess Feedback - Please, ban non-fair players.#19

There are a lot of punishers out there!! We know this kind of people and we also know what they are able to, if we let them do it...

General Chess Discussion - Do you give advice or tips in ranked games ?#2

never do this @Senpai-Noticed !!!! It is very rude :-(
