
Search "user:InactiveGamer"

59 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Stockfish and Variants#1

I notice that whenever I set up an artificial position and plug it in for analysis, Lichess runs Stockfish 11 HCE instead of Stockfish 13 NNUE, even if I'm not playing a variant. Should Stockfish 13 b…

General Chess Discussion - Why Lichess will always be free.#154

We love you too Lichess. Long live the horsey!

Lichess Feedback - Can we add a guide to how to annotate and other things?#6

@PrimalPotatoMine You can draw green arrows by right clicking on the square where the tail should start and dragging to the square where you want the head to be. You can get different colours by holdi…

Lichess Feedback - Petition for positional problems on lichess#2

The issue (I think) with positional puzzles is the lack of a definitive correct answer. In any tacticless position, one could always argue that developing a bishop is better than pushing a pawn, or gr…

General Chess Discussion - Is KB allowed?#20

And also, Lichess has openly stated several times that they DO listen to the community from time to time. A great example would be the shield tournaments and the marathons. I'll bet that all the new p…

General Chess Discussion - Is KB allowed?#19

I believe that kb should be allowed. The point of bullet chess is to limit your thinking time, not your time to make your move. It's not a form of cheating because it does not help a player make a bet…

General Chess Discussion - Pre-Moves (corrected)#9

Yeah I'd like Lichess to allow multiple premoves too. Maybe 10 is too much, but 5 sounds reasonable. Also, keyboard players have multiple premoves? The extension I use only allows one.

General Chess Discussion - New Variant Suggestion: FLYING VARIANTS#26

Or we could mix and match variants....... Playing Atomic and Three-Check sounds fun

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle streak best result - Profile info request#11

Also, it would be nice if we could choose different time controls for Puzzle Racer and Puzzle Storm. has 3 different time controls modes for Puzzle Rush, but I suppose Puzzle Streak is equiv…

General Chess Discussion - What is a good Puzzle streak score?#18

This is sad...... My highscore is 41 and I suck at actual chess playing
